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Saturday, January 09, 2010


All I can say is I am so glad I ENJOY cloth diapering as much as I do:) Really, I propably have saved over $5000.00 by now with all 3 kids in cloth and Sam who 3.5 and not potty trained. I am anticipating 5yrs old for 2 more years or so of DIAPERS! OH..yes, so glad I am saving space at the landfill:) hehe!

So, this is what I do in my downtime at home:) Stack them, stuff them, sort them and get them ready for the diaper bag for Sammy's school day! I only have to send 4 or 5 depending on what day of the week it is (Friday is shorter day).

I am very excited to try out the Thristies all in ones! woop woop. Does not take much to make this mama happy!

1 comment:

SunflowerStories said...

Cloth is great! I've written on my blog several times about how glad I am we crossed over to cloth diapers when Sean was 2. He's out of diapers now, but I am still using some of his old diapers on the baby- what a good investment.