Wow....how does this all happen so fast? All the hype of the Hoidays and then poof..they are over:( Well, My Monkey Doodles are all enjoying their holiday gifts this year. The big one was for Cole and Jack. They received an Xbox 360. Yes, we gave in to that one. In return, I had to re-organize everything in the playrooms and TV console so I was able to do a lot of clean up! That feels great!
Sam received a new pound the ball wood toy, music box, leap frog catepillar, books and play dough. Oh..his big gift is a hanging indoor SWING from HABA toys. It holds up to a couple hundred lbs so we can sit and read to him in it. I think him and his brothers will love it. It will go in his and Jacks room once I am done re-painting it!
Here are the boys enjoying Christmas morning.