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Thursday, April 15, 2010

July will be here soon!

The Salegna family is working really hard to collect every bottle and can possible for "Cans for Sam". We fundraising to attend the National Down Syndrome Convention in Florida this July! We have to go! There will be a siblings 2 day workshop for big brother Cole to attend and lots to do! Yes, Florida is HOT that time of year but thankfully there are pools and air conditioning!

Check out Cans for Sam!

We will keep you posted!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Cans for Sam

Hello Everyone,

WOW, I can not believe it, I have not posted to this blog since January?? SO, SORRY!
I think I have just been a bit busy!

We are very anxious to attend the upcoming National Down Syndrome Congress Convention this July in Florida. July Florida! The best part about it all is it is at Disney World! Our life is always about Down syndrome and at times my older 2 boys get lost in it. We want to make this a very special trip for everyone. are we going to get there?? Conference fee, travel expenses, Disney tickets???? FUNDRAISER! You betcha! I am not shy to do a fundraiser that is going to benefit all of us! We all need to learn more and more at the convention on how we can give Sam the best opportunities. I want my children to understand (I do think they are getting it) how important it is that we have to be Sam's advocate.

We are doing a Can/bottle drive fundraiser to help us get to Florida in July. During these hard economic times we would not ask anyone for direct funds....if you are not using your bottles/cans to cash in yourself or would like to donate them...we will take them!

Check out the event CANS FOR SAM here!!!!!!!!!!!

Become a fan of CANS FOR SAM on FACEBOOK HERE!